What’s holding you back (literally, in this case.)

I had a client this week who has been suffering from Dartitis for a number of years. Similar to ‘The Jipps’ in golf, the player stutters after aiming the dart, and can’t release it. Famous players have struggled with it in professional games, Berry Van Peer and Eric Bristow among them. My client, a serious amateur with success in national competitions, wanted to be back on form. And quickly. 

As with any first visit, getting the story right is key. Dartitis can be based in performance anxiety. Or a previous game gone wrong that’s looming in the mind. Or, underpinned by a trauma, a guilt or an unknown cause.

Whatever is stopping the arrows from flying, or whatever is holding you back, it can be tackled through a chat with the subconscious  mind. My client was winning games two days after his first visit. As much as I’d like to see him again, I doubt I will. 
