/I can pinpoint when my fear of birds started. When I went interailing as an 18 year old I wasn’t hugely keen on them, but I coped. By the end of the following year I had a crippling fear, so much so that when my university friends crossed a footbridge with a bird on I was stuck the other side, crying, and in the days before mobile phones unable to tell them I wasn’t right behind. I could have called them, but that might have made the bird take flight- I avoided that at all cost.
The event inbetween which I believe is the genesis of my fear was being woken by my brothers to say a bird had come down the chimney and was flying around the house. My parents were at work, I was the adult, and I didn’t cope. A neighbour came to the rescue and the bird was safely removed, but the fear had set in. Anything that flapped, birds, butterflies, bats, they all struck fear in me.
About 18 months ago I was training for a half marathon. I distinctly remember one Saturday morning running down a deserted road. Deserted, apart from me and a pigeon ahead on my route. I looked up and saw a bus coming down the road, and decided I had to make a choice- run past the bird or dart in front of the bus. The bus seemed less threatening, and over the road I ran. As I did, I decided enough was enough.
By then I was an accomplished hypnotherapist, and had used the methods myself to conquer all sorts. But had always doubted that a fear of this magnitude could be eradicated by any means. But I decided it was ridiculous not to give it a go.
One session was all it took, and I now have nothing but calm amusement for the feathery ones. I talk to them when I pass them, and am happy for them to join me on the decking for a morning coffee. I always knew that a trip to Venice would be the real test, but as I stood in St Marks Square with hundreds all around me I felt nothing but calm.
As things come up in life, and they will, I know I will never again live with a fear that holds me back.
😊 🐦