Fight, flight, freeze, faint
/So much of my work involves the limbic system - and that part of the brain that senses threat and reacts to it. It’s a vital part of us, and of keeping us safe. If we smelt burning and it didn’t register as a potential threat we wouldn’t investigate, and we would be at risk.
But at times, the limbic system can need some calibration. Just like a car alarm sensor that goes off when someone walks by, causing alarm when there’s no threat, At times, a memory is lodged there which would do us more benefit if it were processed differently.
The amygdala (a part of the limbic system) gets highjacked, or stuck in fight or flight mode. When we are in this mode, the frontal cortex basically shuts off, making it difficult for us to think clearly. The reaction of the brain makes it very difficult to focus at work, to learn or do schoolwork. Or to do anything. This is why we either freeze, flee, or appear to become aggressive.
If your child is experiencing stress either at home or at school, it is really important to find ways to calm down the brain. Finding ways to de-stress every day will help make school easier for a child who is overwhelmed. In turn, this will help them at home. It may not be a ‘trauma’ in the capital ‘T’ sense of the word that is causing disturbance, but if it’s troubling them then we can work on it.
And if you find yourself being anxious, fleeing or avoiding situations, or reacting in ways you wish you didn’t, we can work on that too.