Free hypnotherapy download for health anxiety

Increasingly I’m taking enquiries from people asking if I can help with their fears around infectious diseases, and concern for the health of themselves and family. Some are asking if I can work over Skype- the answer to both questions is yes.
But fear seems to be spreading faster than the virus, and I suspect that social media isn’t helping. Panic is not just confined to buying, and people are starting to really struggle with their emotional health. It shouldn’t only be those that can afford to book a session with me that get some help.
I have recorded a free* download, a self hypnosis recording that can be listened to in the comfort of your home.
It of course makes no claims to keep you safe from the virus itself, but it will help you to stay calm and in control while the storyline unfolds. Don’t use it in place of medical advice, or hand washing, but do enjoy the calming relief it brings to your mind. Feel free to share with others that might benefit from it too, I’m quite happy for love and kindness to go viral.

*when I say ‘free’ I mean it. You will be asked for your email address and contact details, but if you tick the ‘no thanks’ box you’ll not hear from me again


Still Stammer-free

When I chose this image for my website I really deliberated. I was trying to convey stammer, stutter, and other speech issues, but couldn’t decide if the child looked angry or not. Frustrated, maybe? Or perhaps singing at the top of his voice. 

I have worked with a few people on finding their voice, most recently a 10 year old boy with a pronounced stammer, and confidence issues. He came for a free 15 minute chat (it went on longer but not because of the stammer, we just got nattering) and then booked in for a session in half term. 

He left that session speaking fluently to me in English and to his Mum in his first language. Mum called this morning, and told me that two weeks on he still hadn’t stammered, and was full of confidence. 

What an absolute dream, to be able to do a job where you’re a part of the change that people want to see in their life. Of course he did the hard work, the biggest step being to find the confidence to come and see me. 



A different type of Black Friday

A different type of Black Friday

For many, Christmas is a time of joy and excitement, with an abundance of love and happiness. For others, this couldn’t be further from the truth, and Black Friday signals the start of an impending darkness. This may be because of grief or loss, or the inability to spend the season in the way that you would hope to. Seasonal visitors may bring with them unecessary stress, perhaps in-laws arriving with an armful of gifts but a yearful of negativity.

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